House rules
Changes, cancellations or failure to meet an appointment must be communicated to us at least two working days in advance. If you do not notify us in time, we will charge you for the cost of the lost time.
Invoicing is done for us by Infomedics:
How can you reach us?
Beekmans Tandartsen
Schoutenbosje 11
1251 LE Laren
Phone: 035-5382166
There is free parking across the road at the Stationsweg. In other streets there is a blue zone where there is free parking for maximum two hours with a blue parking card.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00 hours
Reachable by phone: Monday to Friday 07:45 – 16:00 hours
Pain and emergencies
In case of emergency, after opening hours: 020-3034500
In case of a dispute
Most patients are satisfied with their dentist. However, there may be times when you feel that the dentist has misinformed or treated you incorrectly or carelessly. It is important that you do something with that dissatisfaction.
Always request a consultation first. Here you can discuss your dissatisfaction with the dentist and perhaps come to a solution together.
If that is not the case, you can turn to the Disputes Committee. For Beekmans Dentists that is the KOM: Keurmerk Onafhankelijke Mondzorg.